June 6, 2011

fun in the sun.

venturing out into the working girl world today.
i was recently offered a job as an office assistant in a marketing firm
& i'm super excited for this great opportunity!
...and, yes, just in case you wondered, the nerves have hit--BIG time.

new projects are still in the works for common threads!
sar & i just finished a cute collabration on a sunglass sleeve & we think the end result is SUPER fun!

aviator sunglass sleeve.

just the right size.

the next few weeks are going to definitely be a learning experience for me as i try to balance work, life, common threads, etc. any advice for me??

don't forget to come back tomorrow for my etsy favorites: home series!


  1. 3 tips for the work-life balance:

    i) You aren't the "new girl" forever.... you'll get the hang of it eventually!
    ii) Get to know your co-workers - We can help!!
    iii) Drink lots of coffee!!!!

  2. such great tips! :) coffee is ALWAYS a necessity.

    thank you, thank you!
